In this three-day meditation retreat we draw from Buddhist teachings, becoming more intimate with nature in our own minds while deepening our relations with nature in the more-than-human world. In so doing, we experience the mutuality of these ways in deepening our relationship with all of life.
During our days we will weave together three threads: silent meditation with instructions, group council practice, and nature-based ceremony. Each of these consciously entered doorways have the potential to bring forth a deeper presence and connection with life.
A significant part of the retreat will be held in silence; meditation instruction will be offered around the Buddha’s four foundations of mindfulness alongside a range of experiential nature-based practices that complement these foundations. Specifically, we will explore through ceremony and practice the relationship between the four foundations and the four directions -- a developmental wheel that draws upon generations of indigenous cultures’ intimacy with the wider natural world and can also be considered a model of human development.
The wider context of this retreat is as a support for meeting the times we are living through and contributing toward, a time where the marriage of outer engagement and inner understanding is an essential feature of the movement toward a mutually beneficial human presence on this earth. This retreat is an opportunity to explore this through slowing down and settling into a rhythm and quality of presence that supports us in remembering what is most important, what nourishes us and allows us to more freely bring ourselves to this life.
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